Your privacy is important to us. It is iTech Gaming Ltd’s policy to respect your privacy regarding any information we may collect from you via our app, BetSquad, and its associated services.

1. Information we collect


When you access our servers via Bet Squad, we may automatically log the standard usage data provided by your device. This data may include your device’s Internet Protocol (IP) address, your device type and version, your activity within the app, time and date, and other details.

Additionally, when you encounter certain errors while using the app, we automatically collect data about the error and the circumstances surrounding its occurrence. This data may include technical details about your device, what you were trying to do when the error happened, and other technical information that may have contributed to the problem.

Device data

Our app may also access and collec tdata via your device’s in-built tools, such as:

• Your identity

• Location data • Camera • Contacts • Storage, photos and/or media

• Notifications

What we collect can depend on the individual settings of your device and the permissions you grant when you install and use the app.

Personal information

We may ask for personal information, such as your:

• Name

• Email

• Social media profiles

• Date of birth

• Phone/mobile number

• Home/Mailing address

• Work address

• Website address

• Payment information

• Driver’s licence details

• Passport number

• NI Number

• Business data*

*Business data refers to data that accumulates over the normal course of operation on our platform. This may include transaction records, stored files, user profiles, analytics data and other metrics, as well as other types of information, created or generated, as users interact with our services.

Privacy Policy or call us on 0203 289 6518 2.

2. Legal bases for processing

We will process your personal information lawfully, fairly and in a transparent manner.We collect and process information about you only where we have legal bases for doing so. These legal bases depend on the services you use and how you use them, meaning we collect and use your information only where:

• it’s necessary for the performance of a contract to which you are a party or to take steps at your request before entering into such a contract (for example, when we provide a service you request from us);

• it satisfies a legitimate interest (which is not overridden by your data protection interests), such as for research and development, to market and promote our services, and to protect our legal rights and interests;

you give us consent to do so for a specificpurpose(forexample,youmightconsentto us
sendingyouour newsletter); or
we need to processyourdata to complywith a legalobligation.
Whereyou consent to our use of information about you for a specificpurpose,youhavetheright to changeyourmind at
anytime(but thiswillnotaffectany processingthat has alreadytakenplace).
We don’tkeep personalinformationforlongerthan is necessary.While we retainthis information, we will protect it within
commercially acceptable means to preventloss and theft, as well as unauthorisedaccess,disclosure,copying,use or
modification. That said, we advisethat no method of electronictransmissionorstorageis 100%secure and
cannotguaranteeabsolutedatasecurity. If necessary,we mayretainyourpersonalinformationfor our compliancewith alegal
obligation or in order to protectyourvitalinterests or the vital interests of another natural person.
3.Collection and use of information
We maycollect,hold, use and discloseinformation forthefollowingpurposesand personal information will not be further
processed in a manner that is incompatiblewiththesepurposes:
fortechnicalassessment,including to operate and improve our
app,associatedapplicationsandassociated socialmediaplatforms;
to provideyou with our app and platform’scorefeatures;
toprocessanytransactional or ongoing payments;
to enableyou to access and use our app,associatedplatforms andassociatedsocialmediachannels;
tocontactand communicatewithyou;
forinternalrecordkeeping andadministrativepurposes;
for analytics, market research and business development, including to operate and improve our app,
associated applications and associatedsocial mediaplatforms;
to runcompetitionsand/orofferadditionalbenefits to you;
for advertising and marketing, including to send you promotional information about our productsandservices
and information about thirdpartiesthat we considermay be of interest to you; and
to complywith our legalobligationsand resolve any disputesthat we mayhave.
4.Disclosure of personal information to third parties
We maydisclosepersonalinformationto:
third partyserviceprovidersfor thepurpose of enablingthem to providetheir services, including (without limitation)
IT service providers, data storage, hosting and server providers, ad networks, analytics, error loggers, debt
collectors, maintenance or problem-solving providers, marketing or advertising providers, professional
advisors and payment systems operators;
our employees,contractorsand/orrelatedentities;
sponsors or promoters of any competition we run;
courts,tribunals,regulatoryauthorities and law enforcementofficers,asrequired by law, in connection with any
actual or prospective legal proceedings, or in order to establish,exercise or defend our legal rights;
third parties, including agents or sub-contractors, who assist us in providinginformation,products,services or
direct marketing to you; and
thirdpartiestocollect and processdata.


5.International transfers of personal information
Thepersonalinformation we collect is stored and processedwhere we or our partners, affiliates and third-party providers
maintain facilities. By providing us withyourpersonalinformation,youconsent to the disclosure to theseoverseasthird parties.
We will ensure that any transfer of personal information from countries in the EuropeanEconomic Area(EEA) to
countriesoutside the EEA will be protected by appropriate safeguards, for example by using standard data protection
clausesapproved by the EuropeanCommission, or the use of bindingcorporaterules or otherlegallyacceptedmeans.
Where we transfer personal information from a non-EEA country to another country, you acknowledge that third parties in
other jurisdictions may not be subject to similardataprotectionlaws to theones in our jurisdiction.Thereare risks if any
suchthird party engages in any act or practicethatwouldcontravenethedataprivacylaws in our jurisdiction and
thismightmeanthatyou will not be able to seek redress under our jurisdiction’sprivacy laws.
6.Your rights and controlling your personal information
Choice and consent:By providingpersonalinformation to us, youconsent to us collecting,holding,using and
disclosingyourpersonal information in accordancewith this privacy policy. If you are under 16 years of age, you must have,
and warrant to theextent permittedby law to us,thatyouhaveyourparent or legal guardian’s permission to access and use
the app and they (your parents or guardian)haveconsented to youproviding us withyourpersonalinformation.
You do not have to providepersonalinformation to us, however, if you do not, itmay affect your use of our app or the
products and/or services offered on or through it.
Informationfromthirdparties: If we receivepersonalinformation about you fromathird party, we will protect it as set out in
thisprivacy policy. If youare a third party providing personalinformation about somebodyelse,you represent and warrant
thatyouhavesuch person’sconsent to provide thepersonalinformation to us.
Restrict: You may choose to restrict the collection or use of your personal information. If you havepreviouslyagreed to us
using yourpersonalinformationfordirectmarketingpurposes,youmaychangeyourmind at any time by contacting us using the
details below. If you ask us to restrict or limit how we processyour personalinformation, we will let youknow how the
restrictionaffects youruse of our app or products and services.
Access and dataportability:You may requestdetails of the personalinformation that we hold about you.Youmay requesta
copy of the personalinformation we hold about you. Wherepossible, we will providethisinformation in CSVformat orother
easily readable machine format. You may request that we erase the personalinformation we hold about you at any
time.You may alsorequestthat we transferthispersonalinformationto anotherthirdparty.
Correction:If you believethat anyinformation we hold about you is inaccurate, out of date, incomplete, irrelevant or
misleading, please contact us using the detailsbelow. We willtakereasonablesteps to correctanyinformationfound tobe
inaccurate, incomplete, misleading oroutof date.
Notification of databreaches:We will complylaws applicableto us in respectofany data breach.
Complaints: If youbelievethat we havebreached a relevantdataprotectionlaw and wish to make a complaint, please
contact us using the details below and provide us withfulldetails of theallegedbreach. We will
promptlyinvestigateyourcomplaint and respond to you, in writing, setting out the outcome of our investigation and the steps
we will take to deal with your complaint. You also havetheright to contact a regulatorybody or dataprotectionauthority in
relation to yourcomplaint.
Unsubscribe: To unsubscribe from our e-mail database or opt-out of
communications(includingmarketingcommunications),please contact us usingthe details below or opt-out using the opt-out
facilities provided in the communication.
Ourprivacypolicycoversthe use of cookiesbetweenyourdevice and ourservers.
A cookie is a smallpiece of datathat an app may store on yourdevice,typically containinga unique identifierthat allowsthe
app servers to recogniseyourdevicewhen you use the app; information about your account, session and/or device;
additionaldatathatserves the purpose of thecookie, and any self-maintenance informationabout the cookie itself.


We usecookies to giveyourdeviceaccess to corefeatures of our app, to track app usage and performanceon yourdevice, to
tailor yourexperience of our appbased on your preferences, and to serve advertising to your device. Any communication of
cookie data between your device and our servers occurs within a secure environment.
8.Business transfers
If we or our assets are acquired, or in the unlikely event that we go out of business or enter bankruptcy, we would include data
among the assets transferred to any partieswho acquireus.Youacknowledgethatsuch transfersmay occur, and that any
parties who acquire us may continue to use your personal information according to this policy.
9.Limits of our policy
Our app may link to externalsitesthat are not operated by us.Please be awarethat we have no controlover thecontent
and policies of those sites, and cannotaccept responsibility or liability for their respective privacy practices.
10.Changes to this policy
At our discretion, we maychange our privacypolicy to reflectcurrentacceptable practices.We willtakereasonablesteps to let
users know about changesvia ourapp or app deliveryservice.Yourcontinueduse of our app after any changes to this
policy will be regarded as acceptance of our practices around privacy and personalinformation.
If we make a significantchange to thisprivacypolicy,for examplechanging a lawful basis on which we
processyourpersonal information, we will ask you tore-consentto theamendedprivacypolicy.
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